Welcome to Oak Heart Forest Program!

~ We are a high-quality mixed-aged outdoor program that deepens the connection children have to Nature, themselves and others ~

We serve children ages 3-6

Maximum Class size: 10 children with 2 teachers

Offering 8-week sessions from 9am-1pm

Also, offering a Parent/Child Class for caregivers, parents and their children ages 2-8, Mondays or Thursdays from 9-11am

For session dates and investment - see our programs and enrollment pages

Locations: Alhambra Creek Staging Area, Briones Regional Park, Martinez CA and Kennedy Grove Regional Park, El Sobrante, CA

A child’s sense of wonder and imagination inspires all that we do.

Our aim is to understand, respect and entrust children with their own freedom to think, to wonder, to ask and answer their own questions, and discover what it is about the world that makes them come alive.

Through small classes and a low child-to-teacher ratio, we are able to provide a strong daily rhythm and a nurturing Nature-based curriculum which fosters respect for the early childhood developmental process and creates a safe place for the unique and beautiful unfolding of each child.

With the changing seasons and interests of the children, we explore trails, fauna and flora, create seasonal art and crafts, play games, engage in fort building, and scavenger hunts. We utilize extended periods of free play, to explore Nature’s playground and all of its’ many offerings. We encourage and create a comfortable container for children to learn, take risks, and develop lasting friendships within our budding community. Through exploring Nature together, we celebrate the magic and joy that each child brings.

By setting a consistent form each week, children come to better understand and participate in the world around them.

The natural rhythms of nature are experienced as we observe each season coming and going. The daily, weekly and yearly rhythms of our forest program provide a welcomed sense of security for the young child.  The weekly patterns of meaningful work such as playing, crafting, building and sharing stories provides a comforting sense of place and structure. 

The predictability of knowing “what comes next” allows children to be fully present in the moment.

Here is an example of what a typical day might look like in the forest:


9:00: Drop-off, check-in with families as they arrive

9:30: Morning circle ~ we welcome one another through songs and stories, share feelings, introduce play invitations, and plan for the day

9:45 Hike to our spot in Nature’s playground

10:00  Hand washing & Snack time ~ Winter and Summer months includes provided hot and cold seasonal herbal teas

10:30 -11:45: Free play ~ time to observe, explore, run, jump, climb and build. Often this is when we offer an optional seasonal craft or project ~ creating potions, natural dyes and pigments, wet felting, painting, sewing and making plant-based medicine (elderberry syrup, hand salve) to name a few.

11:45: Hand washing & lunch

12:20: Afternoon circle ~ singing songs, storytelling, puppet plays, yoga and goodbyes.

12:30: Hike back to pick-up site

1:00:  Families arrive at Crow Site for pick up

Also, we delight in whatever explorations and experiences emerge organically from the natural elements, be it rain, mud, sun and air.

PARENT TESTIMONIALS: “Forest school provided my children with gentle teachers in which to explore and appreciate Nature. The outdoor learning space allowed them to have experiences like climbing trees and jumping over streams which gave them confidence in their bodies. Both my children had such a joyful experience in forest school. My eldest is about to graduate elementary school and the youngest is midway through elementary school - if I had to do it all over, I would choose a forest program again in a heart beat. Sending my kiddos to forest school has been the best gift I have ever given them!” With gratitude, Lindsay

"Thank you for providing a wonderful nature camp for E and C. They shared with me how they spent their days. I was very impressed by the activities they did, how much nature was incorporated into everything. They learned a lot, they are inspired to see nature in new ways now. There was a sense of peace and safety for me when I left the kids at camp with you. I am grateful that they connected with you this Summer. We love Oak Heart!” Warmly, Sarah, E and C”

“We feel very inspired to be able to watch our child grow in such a beautiful program - he has learned so much about his environment and the natural world. Also, he has shown so much responsibility and awareness in such a short time. We truly hope we can make another session.” ~ Cas

“I wanted to thank you both for such a wonderful Summer Camp! My son had such a fun time at camp, and was so happy and excited every day when I picked him up. He kept telling me how much he LOVED camp. You both are so special, and I really appreciate you making this such a positive experience for him.” ~ Kim

“We love the playgroup program so much, it has inspired our daughter to play with the all sorts of objects outside! We currently have a stick collection in my car! Her imagination has transformed. She loves all the songs and her favorite part is Tea Time! Andrea is wonderful at allowing the children to be themselves and encouraging their spirit to thrive outdoors. She creates fun activities for the kids to play and makes earthy crafts to bring home! We love “Forest!” With much gratitude,  ~ Jessica 


We are a member of the CA Association of Forest Schools: https://www.caforestschools.org/

Our program is designed to develop children’s head, heart and hands, with age-appropriate learning.

HEAD ~ developing problem solving, creative thinking, self-confidence and collaboration skills.

HEART ~ developing a deep sense of empathy, compassion and kindness towards oneself, each other, and our natural world.

HANDS ~ development of fine and gross motor skills, coordination, balance, and an understanding of how to create things with one’s hands in the physical world.

ALL CHILDREN DESERVE: To be seen as resilient, creative, capable and worthy of love, acceptance, and belonging. We hope you’ll join us!

We are community partners/vendors with Valley View/Pacific Institute Charter School, Heartwood Charter School for our drop off programs and Visions in Education for our Playgroup. Families that are registered with any of these charters can use their homeschooling funds for our programs.