The safety and well-being of your family and our community will always be at the forefront of what we do at Oak Heart Forest Program. As an outdoor program, we wish to create a space where children feel nurtured socially and emotionally, while also doing our part to keep our entire community safe and healthy. Our priority will always be the wellness of the children, families and staff.

We expect that families attending our program will do their part while outside of our program. This includes practicing good hygiene, and staying home if ill.

  • Please note this is an evolving document. As state and county policies and regulations change, so may our policies.

How will we maintain the health and safety of children and families in our program?

-Being a 100% outdoor program.

-All staff are fully vaccinated.

-Small class size. We value and pride ourselves on our low child/teacher ratios. (10 children/2 teachers)

-Frequent hand washing before and after eating, and after coughing/sneezing and touching face.

-Children will bring their own lunches, in containers they can easily open themselves. Children are also asked to bring their own cloth napkins/hand towels from home for safe hygiene and to keep paper waste to a minimum. These will be used during meals.

- Snack and Lunch. Children will eat their own food within their own area, by building a “nest” with a small blanket or towel they bring from home each day. This will provide the children with a comfortable space to enjoy meals and story times. This is where their belongings will be kept as well. Teachers will guide the children on how to build heir “nests" to ensure plenty of space between one and other.

-To maintain the health and safety of our community, families are asked to keep children home if they show any signs of illness.

Thank you for your cooperation and support! Together we can do this!