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Lantern Walk

“Hope is being able to see the light despite all the darkness”

-Desmond Tutu

Let us celebrate the changing of seasons and join together for an evening of lanterns, crafting and storytelling. We will meet at Briones Regional Park Alhambra Creek Staging Area in Martinez.

Time: 4:30-6pm

Location: 2537 Reliez Valley Road Martinez CA, 94553. We will be meeting in the Crow site, which is to the right once you enter the main gate. The path we will be walking is stroller friendly.

We will have a craft offering and warm tea upon arrival. Please bring a mug from home if you wish to have some.

We encourage you to bring your own lantern or source of light which will guide us on our evening walk. We will have candles (battery operated) for your convenience.

We look forward to gathering with our community as we bring our light into the dark.

Please RSVP to

April 22

Celebrate Earth Day & John Muir’s 185th birthday, Saturday, April 22nd, 2023